Tuesday, January 13, 2009


The Ottawa gong show would be comical if it weren’t  for the fact that it will cost the Canadian taxpayer, already overburdened by high taxes billions more. Mr. Flaherty who not long ago said our economy is strong  and so has no intention of doing anything, has been dragged kicking and screaming to the realization that we are in fact in serious trouble financially. Whether he has had blinders on or his arrogance has gotten the better of him doesn’t matter at this point but it brought the government to the brink of losing power.
The lies told to get into power and misadventures once in power have not endeared this government in the hearts of a good many retired and soon to be retired citizens.
Suddenly he has decided that the auto industry needs billions of dollars of taxpayers money to survive, however after three disastrous years he still hasn’t come to the realization that the forest industry in Canada is in dire straits. Is that because the auto industry is in Ontario and the Forestry is in other Provinces with less political clout. If the auto industry is deserving of a bailout for inept management and bad planning then why not all other industries that are in financial distress.
Unfortunately having a Prime Minister from the west does nothing to help us in the west, as he forgot we existed as soon as he got to Ottawa. Perhaps a wake-up call would be in order for Mr. Harper in the next upcoming election. He is comfortable in the fact he will have support from the west and the Liberal party has no interest in catering to western needs and wants. Sadly I think the only thing that will make him take notice of us again is a show of support for western separation.
Giving this government a majority mandate would be inadvisable at this time as they would become like dictators and totally intolerable. They have proven that they are untrustworthy and not deserving of too much power.
The Liberals don’t deserve to be in power and must remain in the penalty box for all their past crimes against the people of Canada, at least for the foreseeable future. Micheal Ignatieff has no interest in courting votes in western Canada anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Looking Good.
    Just a little hard keeping up with all the blogs. The layout is nice too.
